Zoinks - We've Moved It!

Zoinks! We've pulled the rug right out from under you it seems. As is the nature of art and photo galleries we move things around from time to time - we're movers and shakers!

So if you've clicked a link expecting to find the artwork of your dreams and landed on this crummy page by mistake - we are oh, so sorry. The good news though is that you are not lost - just misdirected, hey don't blame me you should have checked your map - what, you didn't pick up a map at the door? Yikes, well just follow some of the following links to get right back on track... you follow? Have a good trip and don't get lost - we really don't want to have you end up right back here again - we might just have to give you a hard time.

And if you've happened apon us straight from a seach (those rascally search engines) welcome! Enjoy you're stay and have fun browsing our humble art, photography and tea haven.


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Zoinks - a definition: "Exclamation. Usually from surprise or delight. "